[100% Off] Sanitation & Wastewater Treatment Explained Free Course Coupon – Free learning guide

[100% Off] Sanitation & Wastewater Treatment Explained Free Course Coupon


Every day, we use water for our basic needs, such as drinking, bathing, cleaning, cooking, and laundry. However, by doing so, we generate every day millions of liters of wastewater which end up in the sewage network.

These sewage networks transport all wastewater to large facilities called wastewater treatment plants. where it undergoes complex transformations to make it less harmful to the receiving ecosystem.

Managing daily flows of millions of liters of wastewater can be challenging, as it threatens public health and ecosystems.

For a better understanding of how cities manage daily generated wastewater fluxes, we will discuss in this course the topics of sanitation, wastewater, and wastewater treatment from many angles.

To do so, we will use the following plan :


Chapter 1: Sanitation & hygiene

Chapter 2: Consequences and challenges of unsafe sanitation

Chapter 3: Wastewater characterization

Chapter 4: Importance of wastewater treatment

Chapter 5: Basic concepts of wastewater treatment

Chapter 6: Wastewater treatment processes

Chapter 7: Challenges of wastewater treatment


By the end of this course, you should be able to have a better understanding of domestic wastewater management works and the importance to have safe sanitation.

I hope you enroll & enjoy the course!

You can check more courses on drinking water treatment and seawater desalination on Green Courses.

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