[25% Off] 5s training – implementation and understanding Course Coupon – Free learning guide

[25% Off] 5s training – implementation and understanding Course Coupon


When 5S is described it can be explained as  …”A list that describes how to organize a work space for efficiency and effectiveness by identifying and storing the items used, maintaining the area and items, and sustaining the new order. The decision-making process usually comes from a dialogue about standardization, which builds understanding amongst employees of how they should do the work

Many a time people not to sure how o when to implement 5S or what it is to have it as a Way of life. 5s can be as complicated or as simple as you make it, but the rewards are always there.

In this course we will be reviewing:

•To make it a way of life, and understand how it affects our time and money,

•Each S has it own was of saving or making money.

•Example SET your sock the 5 s way, means you don’t even have to buy new sock due to wearing odds pairs. Saving capabilities of 5s is almost endless.

•SORT your washing so you not dyeing white clothing with you darks and colours

•SHINE Save maintenance wise

•Standard allows more worker freedom

•Sustain, helps reap the rewards of the 5s cycle in a continuous “improved “ way.

Hope you all enjoy it ,

It’s easy to understand for all levels 😀

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