[25% Off] Gravity Separation Course Coupon – Free learning guide

[25% Off] Gravity Separation Course Coupon


Gravity Separation Training Course provided by Velocis Solutions aims to deliver the main theory about separation by gravity, practical knowledge about the principle and design specifications of equipment. Here, in this course you will get into the most practical examples and information by looking through the following topics:

  • Principles of Separation Theory;

  • Phase Diagrams;

  • Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium;

  • Flash Calculation;

  • Selection Criterion of Separators

  • Separator Sizing on a specific example

Would you like to get an introduction about separation technique before starting the course? Here is some information for your interest:

Gravity separation is an industrial method of separating two components, either a suspension, or dry granular mixture where separating the components with gravity is sufficiently practical: i.e. the components of the mixture have different specific weight. All of the gravitational methods are common in the sense that they all use gravity as the dominant force.

Gravity separation is used in a wide variety of industries, and can be most simply differentiated by the characteristics of the mixture to be separated – principally that of ‘wet’ i.e. – a suspension versus ‘dry’ -a mixture of granular product. Often other methods are applied to make the separation faster and more efficient, such as flocculation, coagulation and suction. The most notable advantages of the gravitational methods are their cost effectiveness and in some cases excellent reduction. Gravity separation is an attractive unit operation as it generally has low capital and operating costs, uses few if any chemicals that might cause environmental concerns and the recent development of new equipment enhances the range of separations possible.

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