[25% Off] Java Coding Challenge Bootcamp: 2020 Course Coupon – Free learning guide

[25% Off] Java Coding Challenge Bootcamp: 2020 Course Coupon



Welcome to the “Java Coding Challenge Bootcamp: 2020” course.

I designed this course for you to help you solving coding problems using java from scratch.

If you are beginner and looking for learn programming or you want to be a programmer as early as possible, then this is the course for you. I designed this course with easy to average level of coding questions for you.

The coding challenge you will learn from this course:

# Add sub mul div & mod

# Even or odd

# Area of a circle

# Swap values

# Min max of two (ternary operator)

# MIn max of three (ternary operator)

# Second largest of three (ternary operator)

# Sort values of variable in ASC order

# Leap year

# Distance between two points of a straight line

# Sum of array elements

# Factorial number

# Greatest Common Divisor (GCD)

# Prime number testing

# Perfect number testing

# Sum up to N

# Sum up to N odd

# Sum up to N even

# Average of first N numbers

# Fizzbuzz

# Reverse a number

# Counting digits of a number

# Sum of digits

# Palindrome (for number)

# Reverse a string

# Palindrome (for strings)

# Binary to decimal

# Decimal to binary

# Decimal to octal

# Octal to decimal

# Decimal to hexadecimal

# Hexadecimal to decimal

# First recurring elements

# Most frequent

# Two sum

No worries, we have 30 days money back guarantee. So nothings to lose.

See you inside!

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