[77% Off] Overpressure Protection Course Coupon – Free learning guide

[77% Off] Overpressure Protection Course Coupon


Overpressure Protection Training Course provided by Velocis Solutions aims to deliver comprehensive information about the possible overpressure scenarios and protection systems to tackle the problem. Overpressure is the pressure increase above the set pressure necessary for the safety valve to achieve full lift and capacity. The overpressure is usually expressed as a percentage of the set pressure. Codes and standards provide limits for the maximum overpressure. The relief system documentation should demonstrate that all pressure-containing equipment has been identified and the relief requirements analyzed. Documentation based on the protected systems can help ensure that all systems requiring pressure protection have been identified and documentation should show that potential causes of overpressure have been identified, rationale has been provided as to whether a scenario is or is not credible, and credible causes of overpressure have been evaluated.

The course takers can take the huge benefits of the training course which comprises the best practical knowledge and was proposed by referring to API standards. The following topics are discussed throughout the course to deliver valuable source of information to course takers:

Introduction to the course and documentation

Why is documentation important and what to document?

Introduction to API standards

Design Philosophies and Methods

Relief Scenarios and Scenario Selection

Pressure Relief Life Cycle

Relief and Blow-down Loads

Low Pressure Storage Tanks and their venting

Types of Relief Devices, Conventional Spring Loaded, Balanced Bellow, Pilot Operated

Ruptured Disk, Combination of Ruptured Disk and Relief Devices

Single-phase Flow Relief Sizing

Multi-phase Flow Relief Sizing

Inlet and Outlet Piping

Relief Device Installation, Calculation of Blow-down Orifice

Segregation in Flare and Venting Systems

Flare Header Design

Emergency and Operational Depressurisation

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